
When You Don’t Know Where to Begin…

God is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End

 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8 (ESV)

Boxes, boxes, boxes!

Everywhere I turned, I had to navigate a maze of boxes. I wanted things in order, but I didn’t know where to begin.

Boxes, boxes, boxes! Where to begin?

When my husband and I married, we combined two households. He sold his house and moved into mine. Though we’d given away a U Haul full of furniture and sold a truckload of assorted items in a yard sale, the garage was still stacked floor to ceiling with stuff. Inside, the house was littered with piles of unsorted items.

My workplace didn’t provide order and familiarity, either, because my job was also in a state of flux.  I was transitioning from teaching kindergarten to teaching in a new first grade classroom. So after my June wedding, when I tired of unpacking, sorting, and arranging at home, I went to my new classroom to do more of the same.

Can I just admit I did a lot of banging and clanging as I not-so-carefully shoved tables and chairs from one corner of the classroom to the other. I may have kicked a few boxes that were too heavy to lift. Then I sat on the floor and cried.

I hadn’t asked to move to first grade. With so many other changes going on in my personal life, I would have preferred to relax into the familiar routines of the kindergarten class I’d taught for several years. But my principal hadn’t given me a choice. I felt tossed around by circumstances and events beyond my control.

Life seemed chaotic and overwhelming, and I zoomed in on the tiny pixels of my own problems. I had a distorted view of reality and needed a change of perspective.

 I needed to remember I belong to the Almighty God, who is a God of order. His plans unfold according to his purpose. In the end all will turn out the way God intends.

In the Book of Revelation, as he gives the apostle John a glimpse into heaven, God identifies himself as “him who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty,” the “Alpha and the Omega.”

Because he is the God who was, I know my life is not accidental; God made me for a purpose.

Out of nothing, God created a universe of unfathomable intricacy and complexity. Down to the tiniest particles, all of the pieces of his creation work together to perform their God-intended function. And God created me as a part of his well-planned creation.

Because he is the God who is, I know God still involves himself in my life.

God is still intimately involved in his creation. He holds all things together. And because I am his child, he’s at work in my life, helping me to grow into the person he wants me to be. God can take tragedies in my life and use them for good. Each situation in my life—-even an unwanted job change—has a purpose.

Because he is the God who is to come, I know in the end he will make everything right.

In the Book of Revelation, God gives us a sneak peek at the end of his story. And in the end, God wins. Jesus is coming back to earth, and one day every knee will bow down to him.

Because he is the Almighty, he has the power to carry out his plans. He is ruler of the kings of the earth, sovereign over the great events of human history. And we can cast all our anxieties on him, because he cares about the tiny details of our little lives.

When uncertainty stares us in the face, we can ask God to give us his perspective. How might God be using this circumstances to bring about good? What new lessons will I learn? Which new relationships will be formed? How can I honor him?

So sitting on the floor surrounded by cardboard boxes (and after I’d had a good cry), I prayed and asked God where to begin. Then I opened the closest box. Stapler, tape dispenser, scissors, pens …..I began setting up my desk.

Father, sometimes I feel overwhelmed. I want to put things in order, but I just don’t know where to begin. Give me your wisdom. Then empower me by your Holy Spirit to take the necessary steps. I know you are working in my life to accomplish your purpose. You are the Alpha and Omega, and I am trusting you.

Are you overwhelmed? Whether you’re moving on to a new season, transitioning to a new chapter in life, or starting a new project, you are part of a bigger story. Bring your frustration and confusion to the Lord. Then spend some time listening for his voice. If it helps, write down what you sense he is telling you. What is the first step you need to take?

 When you don’t know where to begin, remember God is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end of all things.

2 replies on “When You Don’t Know Where to Begin…”

Oh Margaret! You hit the nail on the head! When I get in those overwhelming moments I have to stop and consider that the God who created me knows right where I am and He orchestrates our lives in a way that we might not always understand–but that means we have to choose to trust Him anyway.
He is the God who was, is, and is to come! <3

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