creation Knowing God Nature Restoration Wonder

How to Hear from God in Nature

Does it ever seem like you spend a lot of time hearing about God, but you don’t actually hear from God? Sometimes we have to go outdoors and experience nature in order to hear from God. I’m not the outdoorsy type. Even as a child, when all the other kids were outside playing ball and […]

Anxiety Fear Hope Joy Prayer Thanksgiving

How to Move Forward When You’re Trapped by Fear

Sometimes I feel like Benjamin Bunny, trapped by fear and unable to move forward. In The Tale of Benjamin Bunny, Little Benjamin Bunny and his cousin Peter Rabbit sneak into Mr. MacGregor’s garden. With Mr. MacGregor gone for the day, they freely roam the garden and fill their bellies with vegetables. But when a white […]

Christian Life Humility Joy Obedience Sacrifice Service

The Value of Sacrifice

Someone once asked me what my mother taught me about motherhood. I thought of the word “sacrifice”. My mother belonged to the so-called “Greatest Generation.” The Great Depression taught this generation to “make do” with what they had and sometimes to “do without.” During World War II, this generation of people rallied to do their […]

Christian Life God's Glory Humility Identity in Christ Knowing God Trusting God

When You Feel Small, Powerless, or Pushed Around…

God Is Exalted (and He Will Lift You Up) “In God you come up against something which is in every respect immeasurably superior to yourself. Unless you know God as that—and, therefore, know yourself as nothing in comparison—you do not know God at all.”  C. S. Lewis “Be still, and know that I am God. […]

Christian Life Freedom Humility Rest Restoration

Pride Is a Heavy Burden…Humility Lightens the Load

“It’s never enough!” I threw up my hands and sighed. My neck muscles tensed. I felt a heavy, invisible weight settle on my shoulders. I stared at the words of the text message. One of my fellow teachers had shared an idea she was implementing with her class. Should I be doing that, too? I wondered. […]

Christian Life Hope Knowing God Praise

How to Replace Complaining with Praise

“Praise keeps the character of God before our minds. The practice of praise forces us to relate God’s character to the issues of life. The effect of praising God on our mental attitude is liberating, for praise focuses our attention on the person and work of God.” Myrna Alexander “Worthy are you, our Lord and […]

Hope Restoration Suffering Trusting God

Advice for the Suffering: Cry, But Don’t Crumple

When I was going through a serious illness, my sister sent me a card that read, “When the going gets tough, the tough put on waterproof mascara.” She even included a tube of waterproof mascara.  That saying has become a motto for me when I’m going through a tough time.  Sometimes, despite our best efforts to […]

Christian Life Faith Hope Patience Trusting God

When We Can’t See the Pattern

My life is but a weaving between my God and me. I do not choose the colors; He worketh steadily. Oftimes He weaveth sorrow, and I in foolish pride Forget He sees the upper, and I the underside. Not ’til the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly Will God unroll the canvas […]

Discernment Fresh Start God's Spirit God's Word New Beginnings Service Wisdom

Biblical Advice to Help You Use Time Wisely

Time is running out. That thought smacked me in the head like a wet snowball. I’d barely finished singing the last chorus of Auld Lang Syne when I sat down to make my New Year’s Resolutions (the ones I’d surely break in a few days).  But, like glitter that remains ground in the carpet long […]

Celebration Christian Life Faith Hope Hope of heaven Knowing God Peace

Valuing Our Greatest Christmas Gift

For to us a child is born,to us a son is given;and the government shall be upon his shoulder,and his name shall be calledWonderful Counselor, Mighty God,Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isa. 9:6 ESV) My worst Christmas was the year we almost had a white Christmas. Snow is a rare event in southern Louisiana. And snow on the ground for Christmas—well, that only […]